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tamoadmin 2024-07-27 人已围观

简介1.一篇关于世界杯的英语小短文2.求英语“世界杯”翻译3.四年一次 英语4.英语翻译5.求一篇关于2014年世界杯的英语短文,最好简单易懂,带翻译,多提到球员!!!谢谢!!!足球是世界上最受欢迎的游戏。在美国人们称之为football。有三十二个国家队参加的世界杯每四年举行一次。The EA cup是一个非常热门的英国比赛,有来自600多个足球俱乐部的球队在里面踢球。其中最强大的球队是曼联甚至有电



3.四年一次 英语




足球是世界上最受欢迎的游戏。在美国人们称之为football。有三十二个国家队参加的世界杯每四年举行一次。The EA cup是一个非常热门的英国比赛,有来自600多个足球俱乐部的球队在里面踢球。其中最强大的球队是曼联甚至有电视台称为MUTV !








Football is a popular sport. Many games are held in different places every year. The World Cup is a game that all the good players want to play most. It is held every four years. Only the best team can win the final game.

The 1998 World Cup took place in France. Thousand of people went to the game or watched them on TV day and night. They all got very excited and hoped their forite team would become the world's best one.

Football is a team sport. There are eleven players in each team of a game. Games were played between two towns in England. Each team of the town had more than five hundred players, and each team had to try to carry the ball to the other team. Today some towns in England still play games like this.


世界杯(World Cup,FIFA World Cup,国际足联世界杯,世界足球锦标赛)是世界上最高水平的足球比赛,与奥运会、F1并称为全球三大顶级赛事。每四年举办一次,任何国际足联(FIFA)会员国(地区)都可以派出代表队报名参加,而世界杯主要分为预选赛阶段和决赛阶段两个阶段.



World Cup (World Cup, FIFA World Cup, FIFA World Cup, World Football Championship) is the world's highest level of football competition, with the Olympics, F1 and as the top three global events. Held every four years, any FIFA (FIFA) member countries (regions) can be sent teams join, while the World Cup qualifying phase consists of two stages and the final phase.

China's ancient capital of Qi State in Linzi Spring and Autumn on a "football" and contests, was called "Kickball." Modern football originated in Britain and then swept the world. As the rapid development of football, the international competition began. Held in Athens in 1896, the football as an official event on Denmark to 9:0 victory over Greece, to become the first Olympic title. Because of the Olympics does not allow professional athletes to the 1928 Amsterdam Olympic Games, football is no longer sustainable.


四年一次 英语

有道翻译:The World Cup. Do you know the World Cup? The World Cup is the highest level in the world of football matches, and the Olympic Games, the world's top three F1 and events. The World Cup is held once every four years. China will ear in tang dynasty "" sports competitions, was called "game called cuju" modern football originated in the United Kingdom, then has swept the world. Because of the rapid development of football, international has emerged. In 1896 Athens Olympic Games, football is classified as official event. In 1930, the first World Cup held in Uruguay, and Uruguay won the first World Cup title. Since then, the first World Cup football for the world of football ushered in a new era. From 1930 to 2006, a total of 18 World Cup was held. In all countries of the World Cup, he to mention Brazil and Italy, they are champions. Italy won the World Cup winner of four times. While Brazil participated in all 18 World Cup winning five titles,. In addition, the German champions, Argentina won three times and Uruguay each 2 times champion, France and England also won 1 times champion. China South Korea in 2002 World Cup scoring, but a strong and without the ball into the World Cup, unfortunately farewell. The next World Cup will be held in South Africa in 2010.

google翻译:World Cup

World Cup you know it? World Cup is the world's highest level of football matches, with the Olympics, F1 and that the world's top three events. World Cup every 4 years. Chinese Tang Dynasty on the "football" game of the competition was called "Cuju." Modern football originated in Britain, followed by sweeping the world. Because of the rapid development of the sport, international competition he also emerged. Athens 1896 Olympic Games, the football on as an official event. In 1930, the first World Cup held in Uruguay, and Uruguay won the first World Cup winner. Since then, the first session of the World Cup football for the world to create a new era. From 1930 to 2006 held a total of 18 World Cup. Take part in the World Cup in all countries, he to mention Brazil and Italy, they are a symbol of winner. Italy won a total of 4 times World Cup winner. While Brazil take part in all 18 World Cup, won the Championship 5 times. In addition, 3 times winner Germany, Argentina and Uruguay each 2 times winner, France and England also won their 1st Championship. Into Chinese in 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup 32, but the ball did not enter one, I regret to bid farewell to the World Cup. At the next World Cup will be held in South Africa in 2010.

金山翻译:World cup

Do you know world cup?The world cup is the football game of the tallest level in the world, and the Olympic Games, F1 also call in the world top-class three greatest games.The world cup holds every 4 years.The Chinese Tang Dynasty ears the tournament game of "football" and called "Cu Ju" at that time.Modern football originates England and becomes popular world later on.Because football exercises of rapid development, international the game also immediately ear.When Athens Olympic Games held in 1896, football listed as a formal event.In 1930, the first batch world cup holds in Uruguay, and Uruguay acquire first batch world cup champion.From that after, the first batch World Cup Soccer founded a new era for football sports in the world.From 1930-2006 years, totally held 18 world cup.In all nations that take part in world cup, he to mention Brazil and Italy, they are the symbols of champions.Italy totally wins 4 world cup champions.But the Brazil took part in all 18 world cup and won 5 champions.In addition, Germany acquires 3 champions, Argentina and Uruguay each 2 champions, France and England also respectively win a champion.China beats into Han Ri's world cup in 200232 strong, but a ball didn't enter, taking lee of regret world cup.Next world cup is to be held in South Africa in 2010



1. 四年的

2. (每)四年(发生)一次的

3. 每四年一次的事(如四周年庆祝活动等)


It has been held once every four years.

足球世界杯四年举办一次, 是全世界球迷的共同节日。

A common festival for all football fans all over the world, the Football World Cup, is held once every four years.


1. The Olympic Games take place every four years.

2. I'm sorry for being late, but I was caught in the bad traffic.

3. Taking this job you may come across great danger.

4. No one can prevent me from doing that.

5. I'll put your proposal under consideration and I'll tell you my decision tomorrow.

The World Cup is held once every four years. This year, the World Cup matches will be held in South Africa.

The whole tournament will take one month. This year, it will start from June 11 and the final match will be held on July 11.

There will be 32 nations participating in the World Cup. If I go there, I can watch 64 matches in total.