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tamoadmin 2024-08-03 人已围观

简介1.关于贝克汉姆的英语短文2.求篇写梅西的英语短文!!不要太长!!高一水平就行了!!!!不要太单调!!!!!3.八年级英语课本各单元短文4.求英文演讲短文翻译5.用英文介绍巴西这是马拉多回到阿根廷后第一次发表谈话。This is the first time that Maradona gives a speech since he went back to Argentina.马拉多纳神情黯淡,








This is the first time that Maradona gives a speech since he went back to Argentina.


With a gloomy look, Maradona said intermittently,’Yes, my cycle in the national team has ended.’ During the conversation with reporters, Maradona still could not get over the fact that the team was eliminated from the World Cup. With tears in his eyes, he apologized to all the people in Argentina. He said,’I’ve tried my best.’ Some of the fans cried hearing this.


All the people wish that Maradona would stay. But Maradona has not made a final decision about this. He only said: ‘I just want to be with my family right now.’ then he added: ‘I will recover from the setback.’ After that, he went into his car and drove away.


It is learnt that Maradona will talk to Grondona, the President of the Football Association. Grondona is currently still in South Africa. Their conversation will determine the fate of Maradona.



Possible version:

The Republic of Argentina

The Republic of Argentina is the second largest country in South Africa, located in the southern part of the continent, with its capital Buenos Aires. Argentina gained its independence from Spain in 1810 and its official language is Spanish.

The Andes stands in the west of the country while to the east lies plains. The country is abundant in natural recourses, especially in minerals — over 80 kinds.

It is said that there are two national cards for Argentina: one is its world famous dance — tango. The other is football, which is the most popular sports in the country. Now the Argentina national football team, being led by Maradona, are fighting for “FIFA Would Cup” in South Africa.


Did Backham is a famous English football player who has a lot of fans.Many people love him, not only for his good look,but also for his hard work.

he's 31 years old now,it's a little old for a football player.But Backham is so wonderful,although he is not the captain of England now, many people will remember him as the

captain forever.




On November 15th, 2000, Peter Taylor ge me the greatest honor of my career in making me Captain of England and fulfilling my childhood dream. Now almost six years later, hing been captain for 58 of my 95 caps I feel the time has arrived to pass on the armband as we entered the new era on Steve McClaren. It has been an honor and privilege to he captaining their country and I want to stress that I wish to continue to play for England and look forward to helping both the new captain and Steve McClaren in any way I can.

I came to this decision some time ago but I hoped to announce it on the back of successful World Cup. Sadly, that wasn't to be. This decision has been the most difficult of my career today. But after discussing it with my family and the closest to me, my feel is the time has arrived. At performance during this World Cup, there has not been enough progress further and both myself and all the players regret that and I'll hurt for that more than people realize. I wish to thank all the players for their support during my time as captain as well Peter Tailor and all the es. I'd also like to thank all the press and, of course, the England supporters who he been both great to me and my teammates and I want them to know, for me it's been an absolute honor.

Finally, I he lived the dream. I am extremely proud to he worn the armband and being Captain of England. And for that, I'll always be grateful. Thank you very much.





Lionel Messi: on the road


Lionel Messi is the heir arent to the throne left vacant by Diego Maradona. His outstanding ball control at high speeds is just about unmatched in the world football. Messi is the undisputed idol of Barcelona. His great challenge will be to earn the respect of the Argentine fans with a formidable showing at the World Cup. A good performance with the national team is still a de he owes to the fans. To repay that de, he will he to forget about the shadow of Maradona. He needs to be Messi.




Unit 1

Will people he robots?

1 will do =be going to do 将做某事

won't=will not (won't) 将不

will be-won't be 将成为/将不成为

2 they'll=they will 他们将

they won't=they will not 他们将不

3 she'll=she will 她将

4 I'll=I will 我将

5 space station 太空站

6 go skating 去滑冰

7 be able to (学习之后能够)=can(本能) 能够;能以

8 the World Cup 世界杯

9 come true =realize 实现;到达

10 in the future=in future 将来;未来

predict the future 预言未来

11 hundreds of 好几百,许许多多

12 try to do sth 尝试做某事

try one's best to do sth 尽力做某事

13 a piece of paper 一张纸

paper money 纸币;钞票

14 use up 用光

be used 被使用

used to 过去常常

the use of … …的用途

15 little--less--least/last+不可数 很少/更少/最少

few--fewer-fewest +可数复 很少/更少/最少

many/much--more-most 许多/更多/最多

16 pollution (n.)--pollute (v.) 污染

be polluted 被污染

17 live in a tall building /apartment 住在高楼/公寓

live with sb 和…一起住

live alone 独自居住

live on a space station 住在太空站

18 as an astronaut 作为宇航员

19 fly--flew--flew 飞,飞行

fly to = go to…by plane 坐飞机去…

fly rockets to the moon 乘火箭去月球

fly away 飞走了

20 take--took--taken 乘坐,花费

take the train to school 坐火车去上学

It took me three hours to get there . 我花了3小时到那儿

=I spent three hours (in) getting there .

21 on the moon 在月球上

on the earth 在地球上

on the space station 在太空站

22 fall--fell--fallen 落下

fall down 落下,跌倒

fall asleep 睡着

fall ill 生病

fall in love with sth/ sb. 喜欢上某物/某人

23 do sth alone 单独做某事

go to the party alone 独自去晚会

24 pat him on the head 拍他的头

pat her on the back 拍她的背

25 probably=maybe 可能;也许

26 go skating /swimming/shopping 去滑冰/游泳…

27 he one's own sth 拥有属于自己的东西

28 dress oneself 给自己穿衣服

dress sb./oneself up 化妆

29.the World Cup 世界杯

win the world cup 获得世界杯

world peace 世界和平

30 a suit of clothes 一套衣服

casual clothes 便装,休闲服装

dress more casually 穿的更随意

wear a suit 穿套装

crazy clothes 奇装异服

crazy English 疯狂英语

make sb crazy 使某人疯狂

31even 甚至 even if 即使

32 which one/girl/boy 哪一个

33 no sound in movies 无声**

34.myself-- ourselves 我(们)自己

herself/himself/itself --themselves他/她/它(们)自己

yourself--yourselves 你(们)自己

35.interview 访 interviewer 访者


36.predict--prediction 预言

37. the head of … …的头/老大

38 be worthy of be worth 值的

39 think-thought-thought 认为/想/思考

40 unpleasant-pleasant 不愉快--愉快

the most unpleasant job 最不乐意的工作

41 scientist-science 科学家--科学

42 one hundred years old 一百岁

live to two hundred years old 活到200岁

hundreds of years 成百上千年

in 200 years 200年后


already /never /ever /since /yet /for+段时间/…

现在完成时结构:he/has done

44 in/at the factory 在工厂里

45.such as 例如

46.get/be bored 感到厌烦

47.human being 人类

48.possible --possibly 可能

impossible--impossibly 不可能

more/most possible 更可能/最可能

49.do homework 做作业

do chores 做家务

50.seem的用法 似乎,好象

It seems that (从句)=主语+seem to do 似乎…

51.be free 空闲的

free time/leisure time 空闲的时间

52 study at home on computer

53 I hope so/not 我希望/不希望如此

54 use sth more 更使用

use the water most 最常用水

55 in the college -in the university 在大学

56 rain heily=rain cats and dogs=hey rain 下大雨

57 kind of = a little 一点

58 do sth over and over 一遍又一遍做某事

59 do the same sth as sb 与某人做同样的事

60 a picture of my parents 我父母的一张照片

a map of China 一张中国地图

61 be far from 离…遥远

62 How is …like?=What do you think of…? …怎么样?

63 Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?

64 It's adj. for sb to do sth 某人做…怎么样

65 for example 例如

66 next year /last year 明年/去年

67 science fiction 科幻

68 make sb do sth 使人做某事

make sth doing 使…一直做某事

make the machine working 使机器一直工作

69 keep a pet dog/cat 养宠物狗/猫

keep on doing sth 继续做某事

keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

keep up with sb 追上某人

70 look smart 看上去聪明

look at 朝…看

72 at the weekends=on weekends 在周末

73 go to ……on vacation 去某地度

74 one day 总有一天

75 from now on 从现在开始

76 work for the magazine 为杂志社工作

77 wake up 唤醒

Unit 2

what should I do ?

1 keep sb out (of the door ) 把某人拦在门外

keep on doing sth 坚持做某事

keep up with sb 赶上追上某人

keep/make +n+ adj 使…怎么样

keep the room clean 使房间干净

2 play the record too loud 把放音机开得太大声

play /the guitar 踢足球/弹吉他speak/talk loudly 大声说话/谈天

walk quickly 快步走

3 loud--loudly quiet--quietly 大声的/安静的

4 argue with sb on sth 与某人争吵某事

argue with sb = he an argument with sb. 吵架

fight with sb =he a fight with sb 与某人打架 5 what's wrong with sb /sth ? …怎么了/出什么事了?

what's the matter ?

what's the trouble?

Is there anything wrong with sb?

What's up ?

What hened ?

6 out of style 过时的

in style 时髦的

7 can-could shall-should 能够 / 应该

8. call sb up =phone/telephone sb. 打电话给某人

call sb at +电话号码 打电话

talk about sth on the phone 在电话中谈论某事

9. surprise sb 使某人吃惊

to one's surprise 令我惊奇的是

be surprised at sth 吃惊于

10 pay for sth 付钱

11 get /find a part-time job 找到兼职工作

full-time/professional job 全职/专职工作

12 either …or … 或者…或者…

neither…nor … 既不…也不…

either否定句尾 too肯定句尾 also 句中

13 the same as 相同的

different from 不同的

14 except(排除在外) besides(包括在内) 除了

15 get/be upset 不安/沮丧

make sb upset 使某人不安

16 fail (v.)--failure (n.) 失败

fail the test 落第

Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母

17 as quickly as possible 尽可能快

as early /soon as possible 尽可能早

18 under some pressure 在压力之下

19 complain +that从句 抱怨…

complain about sth to sb

=complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨关于某事

20 include -- including 包括

21 send sb sth =send sth to sb 送某物给某人

22 all kinds of 各种各样

different kinds of 不同种类

23pare sth with sb 把…跟…进行比较

24 organize activities 组织活动

25 himself /herself /itself -- themselves 他/她/它(们)自己

myself -- ourselves 我(们)自己

yourself -yourselves 你(们)自己

26 dress oneself up 打扮自己

hide oneself 躲藏

by oneself 由某人自己

enjoy oneself=enjoy doing =he fun doing

=he a good time to do sth

= he a wonderful time 玩得开心

27on the one hand…, on the other hand…

28 an organize group 一个有组织的队伍

29 want to do sth 想要做某事

30 stay at home =be at home 待在家里

31 play CDs too loud 把机子开得太大声

32.enough money 足够的钱

33.write a letter to sb =write sb a letter 写信给某人

34 go to one's house 去某人的家里

35 give sb a ticket (to the concert) 给某人音乐会的票

36 ask for sth. 寻求/要sth

37he a problem 有问题

38 be popular 流行的

39 find out 找出 look for 寻找

40 plan sth for sb 为某人策谋

plan to do 做某事

41 everyone else 其他每个人

42 be invited/used /polluted被邀请/被使用/被污染

43 start /begin from 从…开始

44 lee sth at home 落下某物

lee for 离开

45 copy sth 模仿某物,抄袭sth.

46 the same ages 相同的年龄

47 be angry with sb 对某人生气

48 talk about sth. with/to sb 和某人谈论关于某事

talk with/to sb about sth 对某人谈论关于某事

49 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事

tell sth to sb =tell sb sth 告诉某人某事

50 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事

51say/speak to sb 对某人说

52 get alone well =get on well (with sb) 相处得好

53 nothing new 没创意/没新鲜感

54give sb some advice 给某人一些建议

a piece of advice 一条建议

55 fit into 融入…之中

56 mind him of the book 提醒他关于书

mind sb of sth 提醒某人关于某事

57 ask for some advice 向某人征询建议

58 take the train 乘火车

It take sb sometime to do sth 花费某人时间去做某事

take sb to 把…带到…去

take part in 参加

59 he a walk =take a walk = go for a walk 散步

60 busy (adj)+enough 足够忙碌

enough +n (money) 足够的钱

61 It's time for sth. = It's time to do sth . 该做某事的时候了

62 not… until… 直到…才…

63 from …to… 从…到…

64 It seems that从句 =主语 seems to do 似乎

65 one/数词+ more sth 再要一个/多个某物


I was in college English course requirement, speech, because the school environment, regardless of the basketball to take this opportunity to football, under the propaganda of manuscripts as follows

Today's speech, I want to introduce a kind of spirit. I call * * *, extraordinary height. When I see a stranger will ask me to play basketball? But I was adamant: ON word T because I only loved football!

With basketball is different, this is a group of movement, is a brother movement. For example: if the lakers he the NBA, it wasn't the lakers' kobe Bryant, but if Barcelona without messi, it is still Barcelona!

Never say, football from Liverpool three goals behind the night in Istanbul final reversal of the World Cup to reverse the stubborn, football match with his Brazilian the unpredictable nature of the world for him to refuse!

When I first into college English classroom, I really extremely frustrated. Vocabulary, not less than 100 students of English, I will face the challenge, four! But like football, but the game yet clearly behind! In one group, the reverse is achievable!

I love football because it never-say-die mentality, I love football because it incomparably unity. I love football because it gives me strength of youth! Confidence! And hope!

"I hope one


Brazil is a country in South America. It is the fifth-largest country and the fifth most populous countryin the world.has a coastline of over 7,367 kilometres

Brazil is home to varied fauna and flora, as well as extensive natural resources. Brazil has one of the largest populations in the world . The official language is Portuguese The country has been a republic since 1889. In spite of important economical achievements, many social issues still hamper development.


The Olympic Games will be held in Brazil.I am so excited and I think the games will be interesting and also fascinating. But now, the important is,how should we do with the Olmpics if I am a volunteer? To solve the problem will be extremely difficult,because nowadays lots of people devote themselves to society and you can not hold an opportunity easily.So just try my best...We can go to the English Corner to help them to send some DIY newspapers and go to the neighborhood to tell the stories or history about Olmpics to the people who are curious to learn. Also,we can go on the streets to find the problems such as putting away the trash anywhere,saying out the impolite words.That will be meaningful.I am sure that I will succeed.Believe it,do it!


The Brazil national football team is the national team of Brazil and is managed by the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) that represents Brazil in international football petitions. They are the most successful national football team in the history of the World Cup, with five championships (1958, 1962, 10, 1994, 2002). A mon quip about football is: "The English invented it, the Brazilians perfected it." [2] Currently ranked fifth by FIFA, Brazil is consistently among the strongest football nations in the world and is the only team to he played in every World Cup...


任茜于2012年全国跳水冠军赛女子单人十米台上获得第四名,不久进入国家跳水队[1] ;2014年获得国际跳水大奖赛多项分站赛事女子单人十米台冠军[2-3] ;2015年在喀山游泳世锦赛跳水女子单人十米台中摘得银牌[4] ;2016年在巴西跳水世界杯跳水女子单人十米台中折桂,获得个人第一个世界冠军[5] ;同年在巴西里约奥运会跳水女子单人十米台夺冠,首次获得奥运金牌


The puter is a very useful machine. It is the most important invention in many years.People use it widely today in many ways.Most puters he memories.People can store information in them and take it out at any time.Computers are getting *** aller and *** aller, and working faster and faster.Computer can do many kinds of work.Now in many large factories there are very few people. Computers do most of the work

英语作文以I want to be.....为题写一篇60词左右的短文

1. I Want to Be a Doctor I hope I can bee a doctor in the future.'1 wa *** orn in a doctor's family, my parents are both doctors,they are always busy working for patients' health and heno time to look after me. They sed many people's livesduring the SARS in 2003. They've made contributions tothe people and our country, - they are called "Angels inWhite". They are great in my heart, s0 1 want to be adoctor like my parents. I will study hard to make mydream e true.译文:我想当一名医生 我希望我将来能成为一名医生。






2. I want to be a football player I want to be a football player.I was always dreaming of being a football player in the future when I was young. It is because football as the biggest sports in the world attracts many people to involve in. My role model is Kaka' who es from Brazil, and I am trying my best to follow him. Although I am very young now, I hope there will be one day when my dream es true.译文:我想成为一名足球运动员 我希望成为一名足球运动员.。





3. I want to be a headmaster I want to be a headmaster when I grow up. I think that's a good job. My school is in the forest. It's very beautiful. I go to work by Benz at eight o'clock in the morning. The teachers in my school are kind and patient. The female teachers in my school are good looking and young. The male teachers are handsome and strong. They are all hardworking so they get good salary. The children in my school he three classes in the morning. In the afternoon, they play and pick up mushrooms or strawberries in the forest. They he no homework. They are very hy! At four o'clock in the afternoon, I go home with kinds of mushrooms and fruits in my Benz. They are for my dinner!译文:我想当一名校长 我长大后想成为一名校长。












这些是我的晚餐! 希望可以帮助到你!

一篇英语作文 100词左右 初三水平 急求!!

Everyboday wants to he a nice environment so that they can live and work hily. So decision has been made by our school that students will clean their classrooms and toilets in turn. Some students are unwilling to do this because they think it is a dirty job.It is our duty to protect our environment. We must take action instead of just saying. So we need to take action at once. We will be proud of ourselves because we can do something to protect our environment from pollution and create a better condition. Of course it is hard at first, but we can do it. We will be more self-discipline from the cleaning work. We will not litter rubbish anywhere we like as we did before.


2014年巴西世界杯(英语:2014 FIFA World Cup)第20届世界杯足球赛比赛于2014年6月12日至7月13日在南美洲国家巴西境内12座城市中的12座球场内举行吉祥物:犰狳(吉祥物最终通过全球网友在国际足联的投票被定名为“Fuleco”,这一名称在2012年11月25日被正式宣布。



Amazon Rainforest 30 Years on It's hened to all of us. You return to a beloved location -- and it isn't quite as you remembered. But even taking that into consideration, Sue Branford got a big shock recently when she returned to what was once a *** all munity in the Brazilian rainforest. It's estimated that last year alone enty-six thousand square kilometres of trees were felled -- an area almost the size of Belgium! Sue first visited the region three decades ago. Today it's almost unrecognisable... It's a strange sensation returning to a place you hen't visited for 30 years. And it's even stranger if everything has changed out of all recognition.I first went to the Amazon basin in 14. At that time it was a real wild-west. The generals then ruling Brazil had decided, in what later proved to be a dangerous simplification, that the Amazon basin was empty. It was time, they said, to occupy it. So they set about building a neork of roads and encouraging loggers and cattle panies to move in. So there I was in 14, on one of my first journalist assignments, finding out what was going on. I'd never been to the Amazon before and I was overwhelmed by it all. The beauty of the forest was breathtaking. There were trees so huge that it would he taken ten men with outstretched arms to encircle their trunks. Turtles basked in the sun on the white sand dunes that lined the rivers. But, along with this natural beauty, was man-made conflict. When the loggers and cattle panies arrived, they found peasant families living in parts of the forest. As well as fishing, hunting and collecting Brazil nuts, they were clearing *** all plots of land to grow food. The panies sent in gunmen to deal with them. Day after day I met traumatised peasants who'd been forcibly evicted. On another occasion I saw a group of disoriented, emaciated Amerindians, begging for food by the side of the road. For a few days I trelled in a lorry along one of the half-finished roads. One afternoon, after hours of dense forest, we stopped at a tiny hamlet. It was called Redencao, Redemption. And there among the wooden shacks, with their roofs made of palm lees, was a bar selling ice-cream. The owner, an eccentric Italian, had somehow managed to bring an ice-cream maker into this remote region. The machine was fuelled by diesel, which was in short supply, so it often lay idle.译文:这样的事情我们所有人都遭遇过。
























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